The first question was 'What Is Your Favourite Genre?'. Out of all the options, 'indie' was the most popular with 10 out of 21 people picking that option. the other favourites were: 'pop' with 5 responses and 'rap' with 2 responses. I was surprised with this result as I expected pop to gain the most votes as it is the genre you hear most on a daily basis eg. on the radio. However, this could be linked to trends within the music industry.
The second question was 'Do You Prefer Bands or Single Artists?'. Out of the 10 respondents that chose indie as their favourite genre, the most popular option was 'single artists' with 6 responses and the rest went to 'bands' who got 4 responses. I expected this as the indie genre is currently dominated by single artists as opposed to bands in the past. This again can indicate trends within the industry.
The third question was, 'Do You Prefer Female or Male Artists?'. The majority of the responses were for the ‘female’ option with 5 responses. However, the rest of the votes were split fairly evenly between the 'males' and 'either' options. This makes it clear to me that people prefer female artists. However, this could also be because there is a chance that the gender of the people that completed the survey has an effect on the choices eg. Female people prefer female’s artists. Therefore, if I chose the indie genre, I will ensure I do another survey like this and see if there is a correlation between genders and their preferred genders. This will also help me to target my primary audience more effectively; if my primary audience are females, I can look at their responses and not focus as much on the males.
The fourth question was, 'Who is Your Favourite Singer/Band?'. In this response the indie artists that were named were: 'Two Door Cinema Club', 'The Kooks', 'Amy Winehouse', 'Birdie', 'Lorde', 'The Smiths', 'The Arctic Monkeys' and 'Lana Del Rey'. However, there were also artists who are pop but can vary into the indie sub-genre: 'Selena Gomez' and 'Arianna Grande'. There was also a response of 'I don’t really know'. Overall I expected these sort of artists, however I was surprised there was a significant lack of males. Also, conforming to the previous response that they preferred single artists to bands, this is shown again here as only 3 out of the 10 responses were bands.
The final question was 'Do You Prefer Popular Artists or More Niche Artists?'. Overall, there was an equal response for the options 'niche' and 'popular' with 3 responses each. However, the 'either' option was most popular with 4 choices. This showed me that people in general, don’t mind whether the artist is mainstream or niche.
How has this helped me?
This has helped me as it has helped me understand what people, in general, like within the indie genre. It has suggested that:
• People prefer single artists to bands.
• People prefer female singers to male singers.
• People don’t mind if the artists is mainstream or not and the artists I should focus on within the indie genre are: Amy Winehouse, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, The Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths and Birdie.
• Also it has shown me that using survey monkey, I can conduct further research and filter the responses to suit my primary target audience. For example, If I am conducting research into the brand identity of my artist and their primary audience are 16 year old females, I can only look at those responses. This ensures I am gaining the correct feedback and it allows me to make effective decisions to suit them.